Graduate psychologist Prof. Dr. mult. Kurt Guss

Aademic career

Diploma in Psychology (Münster 1968), First State Examination for the Magisterium (Münster 1970), Doctorate in Philosophy (Münster 1972), Habilitation in Psychology (Duisburg 1981), Appointed Professor of Psychology and Sociology (Mannheim, 1983), Doctorate in Educational Science (Dortmund 1988), Doctor of Law (Gießen 2002). – Since 1970 teaching at the universities in Duisburg, Mannheim, Kostroma (Russia) and at the Ostwestfalen-Akademie in Borgentreich. – Honorary Membership of the “Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications e.V.” (2019, in the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw).


  • Psychology as an educational science. Ernst Klett Verlag, Stuttgart, 1975.
  • Gestalt theory and education. Steinkopff UTB, Darmstadt 1975 (publisher).
  • Free will. Or: Is German criminal law based on an illusion? VUG, Borgentreich 2000.
  • Mental illnesses in the literature of Russia. VUG, Borgentreich 2013.
  • Alcohol. The prestigious drug. 3rd edition, VUG, Borgentreich 2014.
  • Drunk empty. Confessions of a rescued alcoholic. Boniface, Paderborn 2015.
  • Clinic Villa Rothenburg. Animations about body, mind and soul. Publisher of the Ostwestfalen-Akademie, Borgentreich 2015 (with Harald Naber).
  • Psychological research. Years 1922-1938. Verlag der Ostwestfalen-Akademie, Borgentreich 2019. (Editor)
  • Suona. Two war children talk about guilt and reconciliation. Publisher of the Ostwestfalen-Akademie, Borgentreich 2019 (with Eckart Koellreutter).

    Ongoing activities
    Seminars on psychopathology and psychotherapy, MPU preparation, direction of the Ostwestfalen-Akademie, its publisher and editor

Am Hexenteich 17, D-34434 Borgentreich, Tel .: 0160 95 26 66 56,