Evgeny Sheronov

Certified psychologist, specialist in the field of test development.

Areas of professional interests:
Management, test development, humanistic psychodrama, oriental body therapy techniques.

In 2011 he graduated from the Kostroma State University with a degree in Psychology.

In 2011-2012 he studied Humanistic Psychodrama at the Psychotherapeutic Institute Bergerhausen (Prof. Dr. HW Hessmann, Germany, Duisburg).

In 2012 – 2014, a participant in the language programs of the International Center for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy (ICPP) – English / German.

In 2013 he was trained in body therapy by Ohashi Shiatsu (Duisburg-Kostroma).

In 2014 he completed his dissertation research “Designing the Kostroma test for medical specialties (KTMS)” – supervisor Prof. Dr. X-V. Gessmann.